主要課程 Main Courses

製造系統管理 Manufacturing System Management

課程概述 Course Description


Manufacturing management is the competitive advantage for the global economy development. This course aims at solving real-world manufacturing management problem in lieu of traditional production and operations management (POM) approaches which are based on unrealistic assumptions. Specifically, the course will cover the following topics: the evolution of manufacturing management, the problems with the traditional POM approaches, system dynamics and variability for manufacturing management, pull production systems, factory tour.

教學目標 Course Objectives

    • 學習解決真實系統問題的製造管理理論與實務

    • 學習解決具系統變異的製造系統管理問題

    • 運用MOOCs教學以提高學習成效

教科書 Text books

    • Hopp, J.P., and Spearman, M.L., 2008, Factory Physics, 3rd edition, McGraw Hill, New York.

    • 講師自訂講義

參考書 References

    • 高德拉特、科克斯 合著,齊若蘭 譯,2002,目標:簡單而有效的常識管理,天下遠見,台北。

製造系統模擬 Manufacturing System Simulation

課程概述 Course Description

模擬分析多年來一直為管理科學領域的最重要分析工具之一,它的應用擴及諸多領域,如製造管理、服務系統、物流等。本課程將學習離散事件模擬的基礎理論、相關之統計理論及其應用,並將學會使用一商用模擬分析軟體—Arean。為了落實應用及學以致用的目標,本課程也將涵蓋: 模擬結果分析(Output analysis)、模擬最佳化(Simulation optimization)、資料庫整合(例如: Excel、Access)、客製化模式(例如: 結合VBA)等的理論與應用。在數位製造趨勢下,模擬模式也成為工業4.0之數位分身(Digital Twins)的應用環節,也涵蓋於本課程的內容。最後,透過學專案的演練,使同學能夠進一步熟練如何整合課程所學的方法論,進一步達成學以致用之功。

Simulation method is one of the most important methods in the area of management science. There are a variety of application areas such as—manufacturing management, service systems, logistics, etc. This course will use commercial software—Arena, for the simulation modeling practices. In addition to simulation basic, statistics, it also several advanced techniques such as: output analysis, simulation optimization, database integration, model customization. Under the trend of digital manufacturing, simulation modeling has also become the application link of Digital Twins of Industry 4.0, which is also covered in the content of this course. The term-project will enable the students to orient themselves to what they learn from the classes. It is the objective of the course to provide a solid training process so that the students will be capable of using simulation method in solving a practical application in the future.

教學目標 Course Objectives

    • 學習離散事件模擬的基礎理論、相關之統計理論及其應用。

    • 學習使用商用模擬軟體—Arena。

    • 學習事件模擬的進階理論—模擬建模、結果分析(Output analysis)、模擬最佳化(Simulation optimization)、資料庫整合、客製化模式等。

    • 透過學專案的演練達成學以致用之功。

Text books

Kelton, W.D., Sadowski, R.P., and Zupick, N.B., 2015, Simulation with Arena, 6th edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, N.Y. (ISBN: 978-1-259-25436-9)

精實企業系統 Lean Enterprise Systems

課程概述 Course Description

企業如何透過精實管理的實踐而建構「精實企業系統」,是本課程的主要內容。精實管理的典範為豐田生產系統(Toyota Production system,TPS),強調持續改善與尊重人性兩大方針。TPS起源於豐田汽車,在歷經石油危機及日圓升值,豐田汽車仍能持續70年連續獲利,展現TPS的卓越性。由於近年精實管理的應用成效卓著,已蔚為風潮,產業競相學習,除了製造與產品研發外,也成功應用於其他產業。隨著2013年德國發表工業4.0白皮書後,智能製造就成為全球主要工業化國家的科技發展主軸,也促成產業數位環境的快速發展,傳統精實管理也隨著數位轉型的趨勢邁向智能化。本課程將教授精實管理之原理與實踐手法,包含TPS基本原理、人才培育、人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)與精實管理的結合,以促成智能化精實企業系統的實現。為了加強學生學以致用的學習成效,也將安排精實企業參訪,及精實實務講座,以傳授實戰經驗。

How to construct a "lean enterprise system" through the practice of lean management is the main content of this course. The model of lean management is the Toyota Production System (TPS), which emphasizes the two principles of continuous improvement and respect for people. TPS originated from Toyota Motor. After the oil crisis and the appreciation of the yen, Toyota Motor can still make profits for almost 70 consecutive years, demonstrating the excellence of TPS. Due to the outstanding results of the application of lean management in recent years, it has become a trend, and the industry is racing to learn. In addition to manufacturing and product research and development, it has also been successfully applied to other industries. With the publication of the Industry 4.0 white paper in Germany in 2013, intelligent manufacturing has become the main axis of technological development in major industrialized countries in the world, and has also contributed to the rapid development of the industrial digital environment. Traditional lean management has also moved towards intelligence along with the trend of digital transformation. This course will teach the principles and practical methods of lean management, including the basic principles of TPS, talent cultivation, the combination of artificial intelligence and lean management, to promote the realization of an intelligent lean enterprise system. In order to enhance the learning effectiveness of students applying what they have learned, visits to lean companies and seminars on lean practical operations will also be arranged to impart practical experience.

教學目標 Course Objectives

    • 教授建構「精實企業系統」之原理

    • 教授持續改善與尊重人性的現場改善手法

    • 強調學以致用,並安排精實企業參訪

    • 培養學生以精實管理手法解決實際問題的能力

教科書 Text books

    • 麥克˙魯斯、約翰˙舒克,2006,學習觀察,中衛發展中心,台北。

    • 麥克.魯斯, & 李克.哈理斯. (2007). 建構連續流,中衛發展中心,台北。

    • 李克‧哈里斯, & ‧哈里斯, 克. (2008). 精實物流 (陳起, Trans.): 中衛發展中心.

    • Smalley, A. (2007). 建構平準流 (李兆華, Trans.): 中衛發展中心.

參考書 References

    • JIT模擬道場,製造管理實驗室。

    • Rauen, H. Mosch, C., and Prumbohm, F., 2018, Industrie 4.0 meets Lean, VDMA, Frankfurt, Germany。

    • Kagermann, H., W. Wahlster and J. Helbig, 2013. Recommendations for Implementing the Strategic Initiative Industrie 4.0: Securing the Future of German Manufacturing Industry; final report of the Industrie 4.0 Working Group, Forschungsunion.

    • Video cases: A-Team, Denso, 5S, setup reduction, etc.

    • Toshiko Narusawa and John Shook,2009,大家來學TPS-豐田直達車,財團法人中衛發展中心,台北。

    • 大野耐一 著,吳廣洋 譯,2011,追求超脫規模的經營:大野耐一談豐田生產方式,財團法人中衛發展中心,台北。

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